About Me:

Hi I’m John Hannan 27 Years Old, I grew up in Country Western Australia, always had an Interest in Technology from a young age, had my first computer at 3 years of age, it was an i386 running DOS, had to contend with Command Line Interfaces, 5¼ Inch Floppy Drives and later on Dial up internet by running a 20 meter phone line cable through the house. When not messing around with that playing with Analogue TV Reception and Teletext.

By the time I was six, I had already built my own computers. I remember my mother worrying that I would electrocute myself when I installed a new CD drive. I made a few mistakes along the way, such as breaking a SATA connector and damaging a few motherboards with loose RAM sticks, but I learned from them. Apart from that, I led a normal school life, but I enjoyed fixing computers in my free time. When I was thirteen, I started a work experience program at a local hospital and stopped taking on private clients to focus on that.

What do I do for work:

Currently working as a Senior Project Officer / Technical Lead
Focusing on implementation of Network Access Control (NAC) and Endpoint Security solutions. Along with upgrades and implementation of Server Platforms and SAN Storage.

I’ve been a Senior ICT Field Support Officer at WA Country Health Service for the last 6 Years, worked as a ICT Field Support Officer for 3 Years before that and began as an ICT Trainee there 13 Years ago.

I have worked on a wide variety of Medical Software and Industry Standard Technologys in this space, as such I have experience in:

Just to name a few.
